Hormone therapy is the administration of certain hormones in hormone replacement therapy for patients with cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Hormone treatment is performed with the assistance of synthetic hormones or with the use of human luteinizing and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (LHRH) blockers. Hormone treatment for cancer usually takes place during the first week after surgery or radiotherapy. The dose of the synthetic hormones is decided by the oncologist based on the specific needs of the patient.
Hormone therapy has a wide range of benefits. The administration of drugs is usually faster than surgical operations and chemotherapy. Side effects can be reduced with the help of certain drugs. Hormone treatment for cancer is a better option over the use of radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery. Hormone treatment, however, should be conducted under the care of a doctor.
Hormone treatment is one of the alternatives for treating malignant tumors. There are several types of hormone therapy. Each of these carries a specific risk, so carefully weight the options before you decide which one is right for you. Most types of hormonal therapies are used only to relieve symptoms of cancer. The use of oral contraceptives, while generally effective in preventing pregnancy, has been found to cause uterine cancer in some women. For deep dive explanation, visit at nufemme.com
A cream or a suppository is usually taken orally, though there are some who take it in a transdermal patch. The type of tablet you choose to take should be decided upon carefully, since different types of tablets work differently. They can either be taken as a pill form, or in a cream or suppository form. For someone who wants to have a complete change of lifestyle, it would be advisable to ask for their doctor's advice, especially if you intend to start taking hormone therapy in a suppository form.
Hormone therapies are usually performed during the monthly period, either in the form of a cream or suppository, or in a cream or capsule form. To be able to make the most out of hormone therapy, it is advised that you start having hormone therapy as soon as you notice the first symptoms of your symptoms. If you feel a sudden fever, sudden headaches, or vaginal bleeding, you should consult your physician, who will advise you on the best course of treatment. Depending on the stage of your cancer, you may have to undergo several different treatments.
With the aid of your physician, you can decide on the appropriate plan for you and start your therapy. Some of the methods of hormone therapy include: taking estrogen alone, taking it in the form of a pill, or taking it in conjunction with progesterone. Estrogen alone therapy can be started once you have started feeling the irregular menstrual flow, while progesterone on its own can be started once you experience vaginal bleeding or heavy menstrual flow. You can decide on the method you wish to follow by consulting with your doctor. Check it out for more insights.
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